100Gb/s CFP 1310nm 10km DDM LAN-WDM EML transceiver opticum
The CFP transceivers are designed for use in 100 Gigabit Ethernet links over 10km unius fibrarum moduli, et obtemperare CFP MSA Specificationis et IEEE 802.3ba 100GBASE-LR4.Diagnostica digitales per MDIO praesto sunt.CFP LR4 obtemperat exigentiis RoHS.
100Gb/s CFP 850nm 100m DDM VCSEL transceiver optical
The CFP transceivers are designed for use in 100 Gigabit Ethernet links and 10×11.2Gb/s Multimode OTN.Obsequuntur CFP MSA Specificationis et IEEE 802.3ba 100GBASE-SR10.Diagnostica digitales sunt in promptu per MDIO. Transceptio optica facilis est ad exigentiam RoHS.
100Gb/s CFP2 1310nm 10km DDM LAN-WDM EML transceiver opticum
The CFP2 transceivers are designed for use in 100 Gigabit Ethernet links over 10km unius moduli fibrarum, et obtemperare CFP MSA CFP2 HW Specification and IEEE 802.3ba 100GBASE-LR4.Diagnostica digitales sunt in promptu per MDIO de quibus in CFP MSA Management Specification.
100Gb/s CFP2 850nm 100m DDM VCSEL transceiver optical
The CFP2 transceivers are designed for use in 100 Gigabit Ethernet links and 10×11.2Gb/s Multimode OTN.Obsequuntur CFP2 MSA Specificationis et IEEE 802.3ba 100GBASE-SR10.Diagnostica digitales sunt in promptu per MDIO. Transceptio optica facilis est ad exigentiam RoHS.
100Gb/s CFP4 1310nm 10km DDM LAN-WDM EML transceiver optical
100Gb/s CFP4 100GBASE Aer destinatur.Obsequuntur cum CFP MSA, IEEE 802.3ba 100GBASE-LR4, IEEE802.3bm CAUI-4 et CEI-28G-VSR.Transcepti optici exigentii RoHS obtemperant.
100Gb/s CFP4 850nm 100m DDM VCSEL transceiver optical
100Gb/s CFP4 100GBASE-SR4 Aer destinatur.Obsequium sunt CFP4 MSA, IEEE 802.3ba 100GBASE-SR4 et CAUI-4, et OIF CEI-28G-VSR.. Transceitores optici exigentii RoHS obtemperant.